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    Sunday 29 June 2014

    Which is the simplest spiritual practice in Kaliyug?

    1. Sadhana (Spiritual practice)

    One has to make efforts to experience bliss or attain Ishwar (God) in very this birth, which is called as sadhana (spiritual practice).

    1.1 Sadhana (Spiritual practice) to attain Bliss

    In this part of satsang, ‘Sadhana to attain Bliss’, we will be discussing about practical aspect of (Adhyaatm Shastra) Spirituality, that is sadhana. In the field of Medical science, one is recognized as a doctor only when he has studied the books (theory) and has given treatment to the patients, during his study time in the university. One can never become a doctor just by reading books. Similarly one cannot understand Dhyaan, Bhakti, Shraddha.. etc. by just reading about it. One has to undertake spiritual practice (sadhana) in daily life, to experience it.

    In this part, we shall learn about the efforts that one should put in, to achieve final liberation. The first question that arises is, in this era, which is the simplest and practical method to attain the state of God realization? In other words, in Kaliyug (era of strife), which is the simplest way of spiritual practice (Sadhana)?

    1.2 Which is the simplest sadhana in Kaliyug?
    The simplest sadhana in Kaliyug is chanting (namajapa). Our four main Vedas, Upanishad, Shreemad Bhagwat Geeta, Shreemad Bhagwatpuran etc clearly explain the importance of naam sadhana.

    नाम उपास्‍स्‍व । (छांदोग्‍योपनिषद ७/१/४)

    In Chhandogyopanishad, it is said that

    “Naam upaasavyaa. (Chhandogyopanishad 7/1/4)

    Meaning: Chant (continuously)

    Saint Tulsidas has said,

    नामु सप्रेम जपत अनयासा ।

    भगत होहिं मुद मंगल बासा ।।

    सुमिरि पवनसूत पावन नामू ।

    अपने बस करि राखे रामू ।।

    Naanmu saprem japat anayasa |

    Bhagat hohim mud mangal basa ||

    Sumiri pavansut pavan naamu |

    Apane basa kari rakhe ramu ||

    Meaning: devotee can easily get immersed in the ocean of Bliss, when he chants with love. Son of wind Sree Hanuman won Sree Ram’s heart only by chanting His name continuously.

    As per Rugved,

    मर्त्‍या अमर्त्‍यस्‍य ते भुरि नाम मनामहे । (ऋ. ८/११/५)

    Meaning: I, the non-last embodied soul, am always and continuously remembering that chant (naam), which is full of divine nectar.

    महर्षीणां भृगुरहं गिरामस्‍म्‍येकमक्षरम्‌ ।

    यज्ञानांजपयज्ञोऽस्‍मि स्‍थावराणां हिमालय: ।। (श्रीमद्‌भगवत्‌गीता १०:२५)

    Mahrsheenam bhrugurham giramsmyekmskarm |

    Ydnaamjapayadnyosmi sthavaranam himalayaha || (Shreemad bhagwatgeeta 10:25)

    Meaning: I am Bhrugu rushi in the list of all maharshee. I am one letter in any sentence, which means I am ‘Om’. I am sacrificial fire of chanting and amongst those, who are strong and stable, I am Himalaya mountain.

    Meaning of chanting (naam jaap): Repeating the God’s name. The question that arises now is who should chant and which God's Name should one chant? The answer is - we should chant the Name of God depending on the religion or sect of our birth.

    There are various Gods-Goddesses in Sanatan Hindu Dharma. So which God’s Name should be chanted by Hindus? In the initial stages of sadhana, ideally which God’s Name should one chant? The answer is - one should chant their family deities’ (Kuladevta’s) Name.

    Hindus should chant the name of their Kuladevata (Family Deity): The meaning of Kuldevata (Family Deity) is, the care taking deity of the family in which we are born. In Hinduism, every family has a particular Deity whose worship brings about worldly and spiritual progress for that family. Now let us see how to chant name of family deity. If the name of Kuladevata is feminine gender i.e. Kuladevi, then the chant is formed as follows. First say ‘Sree’, followed by the name of Kuladevi and then end with ‘devyei namah’. If the name of the Kuladevata is masculine gender i.e. Kuladev, then the chant is formed as follows. First say ‘Sree’, followed by the name of Kuladev, like ‘Ganeshay’ or ‘Maheshay’ and then end with ‘namah’.

    Now let us see some examples to understand this

    If the Kuladevata is ‘Ambama’, then chant ‘Sree Ambadevyei namah’.

    If the Kuladevata is Ganeshji then chant ‘Sree Ganeshay namah’.

    There can be some exceptions to this. For example, if your Kuladevata is Hanumanji, then you will have to chant ‘Sree Hanumate namah’. Please contact us in case you have any doubt about how to chant your Kuladevata’s name

    Now you can start chanting. Please contact us in case you have any questions or have any spiritual experience during the chant

    Thursday 12 June 2014

    Cow Is A Sacred Asset Of The Nation

    When India fought the First War of Independence in 1857, and Bahadur Shah ‘Zafar’ wasinstalled as emperor by the Hindus in Delhi for a brief period, his Hindu Prime Minister, on the emperor’s proclamation, made the killing of cow a capital offence. Earlier in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s kingdom, the only crime that had capital punishment was cow slaughter.
    One global patent has been granted for cow urine, neem and garlic as a pest repellent, fungicidal and growth promontory properties for all different crops.
    Our West influenced intellectuals and mentally dominated by foreign idiom, sneer at the mention of the cow, leave alone speaking about the cow as an asset to the nation. But we know that these intellectuals first sneered at yoga, now it is a fashion for them doing pranayama at cocktail parties. They also sneered at our sanyasis, calling them disparagingly as “Godmen”. Now they flock to ashrams with their white friends ever since the Beatles did. Who knows, they may soon boast of a cow in their backyards. For those of us who are desi by pedigree and conviction, I place some facts about the cow in the new perspective of modern Hindutva.

    Sunday 1 June 2014

    UPSC Introduces Two More Attempts for Civil Service Exams

    The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has effected major changes in norms of civil services examination like granting aspiring candidates two additional attempts and consequential age relaxations from this year onwards.

    "Every candidate appearing for the examination, who is otherwise eligible, shall be permitted six attempts (two more than earlier four)," said a notification issued by UPSC for the Civil Services Examination, 2014.
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