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    Saturday 12 April 2014

    Heal Your Chakras

    A subtle energy field with chakras surrounds our body and any imbalance could spell trouble, says GURBINDER SINGH BEDI

    Wherever there is life of any kind, there must be pranic energy and a substance in which it can work. This force is directed through a system of numerous channels called chakras which rise in an ascending scale. Each of these lotuses is the centre and the store-house of its own particular system of psychological powers, energies and operations,” says Sri Aurobindo in Synthesis Of Yoga. 

    The word ‘chakra’ is translated as wheel and refers to spinning vortices of subtle energy fields in our body. Our chakras are located along the spinal column from the base of our spine to the crown of the head coinciding with major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves.
    According to our ancient texts, there are seven major chakras, root, hara, solar, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra. These chakras are believed to receive and direct the flow of life force energy or prana shakti in our body. These chakras are store-houses of a particular system of psychological powers, energies and operations. So, when the flow of life energy is blocked, it causes physical, mental
    or emotional diseases. 
    The solar plexus chakra mentally governs issues related to will power, anxiety, fear and physically, it governs our digestive system. When the flow of energy is blocked to this chakra due to some fear, anxiety or lack of confidence, one is likely to suffer ulcers and digestive system-related problems. Abdominal pain or diarrhoea are common examples of an imbalanced solar plexus.
    Life force energy responds to our thoughts and feelings from the time when we are children and we keep accumulating these, either consciously or unconsciously, as negative feelings.
    There can be many causes for these negative feelings and it may include memories buried deep within, relationship issues with parents, childhood abuse, prohibitive belief systems, repeated emotional traumas, lack of attention, feelings of guilt and stifled anger. The result is accumulated pent-up feelings that causes a blockage to the flow of energy through one or more chakras. 
    Initially, the effect of these blockages is reflected in changes in one’s behaviour, posture, appetite, breathing and in our emotional state. These changes, if caught in time and if one is able to classify the cause and take timely remedial measures will not develop into any major disease. 
    However, if not managed at an initial stage, these blockages are likely to chronically block the flow of life force energy through our chakras individually or in conjunction with other chakras. This may result in long-term damage manifesting in various illnesses like diabetes, digestive system disorders, cardiovascular problems, stones, depression or cancer. 
    Chakra healing heals any ailment by raising the vibratory rate of the energy field and restoring the original healthy and natural flow of life force energy. The free flow of energy leads to improved functioning of various vital organs in our body, thereby ensuring our physical and emotional wellbeing. 
    There are numerous profound practices that can help release stagnant energy around our chakras and restore the natural vibratory frequency of our chakras and bring them back into proper vibrational alignment. These practices include yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, mantra chanting, recitation of scriptures, chakra meditation with different mudras and mantras, pranic healing, colour therapy, crystal therapy, sound therapy and reiki. 
    Some of these are intensely personal, internal processes practised for self-healing. However, some of these practices can be employed for healing others including those who live far away. The end result of chakra healing will be a physically healthier body and an emotionally stable and happier you.

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